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Fedulov, Ruslan I.
6th-year student of the specialty «Medical science» of the National research Mordovian state University, Saransk, Russia
Fedotov, Roman N.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatric Maxillofacial Surgery, A.I. Yevdokimov MSMSU, Deputy Head of the University Clinic of Maxillofacial, Plastic Surgery and Dentistry, Moscow, Russia
Filippovich, Julia S.
assistant lecturer at Social Work and Life Safety Department, Kursk State Medical University, PhD student in philosophy at Kursk State University,
Kursk, Russia
Feoktistov, Yaroslav E.
Candidate of Sciences in Medicine, Surgeon, A.S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Center,
Moscow, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0001-9720-6969
Fentisov, Vitaly V.
PhD in Medicine, Phthisiatrician, Associate Professor of the Department of Faculty Thera-py, Antituberculous Dispensary, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-4053-386X
Filippova, Tatyana S.
Resident of the Department of Dentistry, Samara State Medical University,
Samara, Russia
Francev, Sergey P.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Surgeon of the Surgical Department No. 1 of the Belgorod Regional Clinical hospital Prelate Ioasaf
Fedoseenko, Dina E.
Student of the Medical Institute, I. Kant Baltic Federal University,
Kaliningrad, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-0385-1471
Furda, Nadezhda I.
5th year student, Faculty of Dentistry, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod National Research University»,
Belgorod, Russia