
Requirements to articles

Author Guidelines for publishing in Journal

1. UDC

The name of the article follows a universal decimal classification sign (UDC), placed at the top left with no indent, left-aligned.

2. Title of article

The title of the article should adequately reflect its content and be typed in lowercase bold-type letters, with no indent, center-aligned.

3. Information about the author(s)

Information about the author(s) appears placed under the title of the article, single-spaced, center-aligned.

Authors’ full name – first comes the given name, then the middle name (if any), followed by the last name.

Type the authors’ affiliation(s) centred one line below the title (the affiliation should use the official versions from official documents/web pages of universities, research and other institutions or organizations, or the author’s own variant for independent researchers). On the next line, type the postal address of the organization, university, research institution or place of residence (for independent researchers), including the country, the zip code, location, street address.

If there are two or more authors with different affiliations, then their affiliations and addresses should be types for each author. Should all the authors have the same affiliation, its name and location appears only once.

Allowing one line space in between, the next line includes е-mail (See Layout Example).

4. Abstract and keywords

Further, leaving one-line space betwen, type an abstract.

The content of the abstract should reflect the most important points and main findings presented in the article. The length of the abstract should be at least 1000 characters and clearly written in good English with use of proper terms. Descriptive generalizations should be avoided at all costs.

No italics, bold, underline are allowed in the abstract, which should be one paragraph. Citation and references to other sources are not allowed in the abstract either.

On the next line below the abstract, type 5-10 keywords, which can be either separate words or phrases.

5. Content (structure) of the article

The text of the article itself is placed after the keywords. The article should clearly and concisely state the current state of the issue, the research methodology, the results and their discussion, and conclusions. It is recommended to standardize the structure of the article using subheadings.

1) introduction – statement of the problem (one or two paragraphs revealing the problem, its relevance and significance); reference to the literature (a brief overview of modern sources) ends with a statement of the need for this study (the conditions that made this study relevant), a description of the hypothesis of the study or the formulation of its purpose or presentation of the goal in the form of research questions;

2) the aim of the study;

3) object and methods of research \ methodology (materials) and methods;

4) results and discussion \ scientific results and discussion. A theoretical article may have sections with author's headings, selected based on analytical considerations of a logical and related presentation of the author's argumentation;

5) conclusion (conclusions) – a generalized enumeration of the main results and their significance (assessment) for science. It may contain a further research program. A clear and concise enumeration of the results that can be considered a contribution to science is prescribed;

6) if it is necessary to thank colleagues who are not the authors of the article, but the research was carried out with their assistance, this can be done in free form at the end of the article;

7) a list of references (designed according to the style that the Magazine adheres to).

The structure of the article can be changed provided that it meets the basic requirements and does not contradict the Journal's policy.

6. The overall length of the article (including Title, Abstract, Key words, Main text, References)

  • Minimum length – 15 000 characters with spaces.
  • Maximum length – 35 000 characters with spaces.
  • Articles of more than 35 000 characters are published by approval by the Journal Editorial board.

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Technical requirements for manuscripts

1. Format requirements

Save the text of the article as a Microsoft Word document in .doc (not .docx !!!) format.

Pages should not be numbered.

Page Setup: A4 size; Margins: Bottom - 2 cm; Top - 2 cm; Right - 2 cm; Left - 2.5 cm.

Font: Times New Roman; Size – 12; Line spacing – single. The font, font size and line spacing should be consistently used throughout the entire main text.

Paragraph indentation is 1.25 сm, justified alignment. Use automatic indenting, rather than Spacebar or Tab key. No double or triple spaces are allowed.

The dash and the hyphen are different in appearance and usage. The dash (a longer line – ) is a punctuation mark used to set off part of a sentence, a hyphen (a short line -) is a sign used to connect parts of a compound word.

As a minus sign, you should use a hyphen “–“, leaving no space after it.

Use a genuine multiplication symbol (by inserting symbol ×), not the “x” character.

Neither Autonumbering nor bulleted lists are allowed.

2. Tables

The article may contain tables, each with a short descriptive heading above the table, justified alignment.

Text formatting in tables: single line spacing, font: Times New Roman, size: 11.

Tables should be placed in the text after reference to them is first made (for example, “Table 1”). If you need to refer to the table later in the text, you should use “See Table 1”. All tables should be numbered consecutively in the order they are cited in the text. If there is only one table in the article, then it does not need a number; use “See Table” to refer to it in this case.

Tables should support the text material. Therefore, their content should not be duplicated in the text. However, some generalized data from tables can be used when analyzing the results obtained.

By structure, tables should be simple, easy to read and import into the Journal's publication software. Avoid complicated tables and lengthy headings.

If possible, digital data are provided in summary tables. Quantitative data used for the comparative analysis should be statistically processed (error of the mean, confidence interval confidence interval, reliability, sample size, etc.). All columns in the table should be headed, with measurement units shown, if necessary.

Avoid tables with information placed in one line only, as well as extensive tables listing the results of floral and faunistic studies. When analyzed and summarized, such data should be provided in form of plain text.

All the indicators in a table heading should be used in the plural form (e.g. Indicators, Lakes, etc.), except for generalizing words, phenomena, etc., which are usually given only in the singular form (e.g. Temperature, Amount, etc.).

In tables, use only generally accepted abbreviations and abbreviations introduced by the author in the text of the article. Do not use graphic symbols. If some data in the table need explanations, these data are marked with superscript indices (1, 2 for text and *, ** for numbers) and explanatory matter should be placed in footnotes under the table, introduced by the word “Note”.

Don’t use either images of tables or tables inserted into bigger tables.

If rows or columns of the table exceed the page format, divide the table into parts, placing one part under the other or next to it, repeating the column headers and row headers on each new page, or replacing them with the corresponding numbers of columns and rows. In this case, each column and row in the first part of the table should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Above the continuation table on a new page, type “Table 3. Continuation” or “Table 3 (continued)”)” (if the table does not end on this page) or “Table 3. Completion” (if the table ends there).

It is advisable to use Portrait, rather than Landscape, page layout for tables.

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3. Figures

All photos, graphs, diagrams, charts, etc. should be marked as Figures (Illustrations) with the corresponding captions. Captions should be editable.

Captions requirements: single line spacing, font: Times New Roman, size: 11.

Each figure should be referred to in the text of the article. Figures are placed in the text after reference to them is first made. When a figure is mentioned for the first time, use “Fig. 2”, if it referred again further in the text, use “See Fig.2”.

Illustrations should be only used if they complement the text material and facilitate understanding the complex material.

Graphs and diagrams used in the article must be prepared in Microsoft Word and be editable.

Text in the illustrations should be readable and kept to a minimum. Figures should be submitted in Jpg and Jpeg formats and wrapped In Line With Text.

Ordinary graphs, diagrams and charts should not exceed half a standard A4 sheet (about 16?12 cm) and only very sophisticated figures can cover up to one standard A4 sheet (about 17?25 cm).

Graphs and diagrams should be in black and white, clear and well drawn.

Avoid using more than three graphs or diagrams in one Figure as it then becomes cumbersome and difficult to read.

Avoid inserting illustrations into tables.

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4. Formulas

To write formulas, use only the Microsoft Equation editor that comes with Microsoft Word. The formula should be placed only on one line in the center of the page. Large formulas should be moved to the next line, with each new line being a new object. The formula can be transferred only after the signs “+”, “–”, “?”, “:”, as well as after the “=” sign. Make sure that you repeat the sign on the line where the formula is transferred. If there are several formulas going one after another, without any text between them, they should be separated by a comma. Do not scale formulas up or down.

Font for formulas: Times New Roman, sizes: normal - 12, large index - 9, small index - 7, large character - 14, small character - 11.

Images of formulas are not accepted!

Formulas should be numbered only there are references to them in the text, for example: the coefficients were calculated using Formula (6). In other cases, formulas are not numbered. When numbering formulas, use Arabic numerals: the number is put in parentheses and written to the right of the formula (right justified alignment).

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5. References

The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text, at least 20 sources.

If possible, try to use for reference the sources that have been published over the last 5 years (at least 80% of the sources cited). In review and analytical papers, references to primary sources, rather than references to them (which is welcomed), can have a larger share. It is advisable that at least 30% of the sources cited in the article were sources published in English and other foreign languages.

Try to avoid footnotes for references! Footnotes are allowed in the Series “History. Political science”, especially when referring to archival and published documents, as well as for explanatory footnotes (comments, supplements, etc.).

Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the ?rst author of each work. Also, the names of all authors should be provided. The titles of the works should be given in full, not abbreviated.

The list of references is numbered. The names of articles published in Japanese, Chinese and other languages using characters different from the Latin alphabet should be given in English translation.

When creating a list of literature, the titles of works should be translated into English, the names of Russian-language journals should be transliterated (except for those having an official English name), at the end of the reference the information about the language of the original (e.g. (in Russian)) should be added. If an article has an official English title, provide it in the list of references.

When referring to articles from Russian journals that have a translated version, please refer to the translated version of the article.

Titles of Russian monographs, conference proceedings and names of publishing houses are to be transliterated.

For transliteration purposes, use free online program at http://translit.ru/, choosing the option Board of Geographic Names (BGN).

In-text references are provided in square brackets, e.g. [Rubenstein, 1998].

When quoting in the original or translation of a work from officially published sources (to the extent justified by the purpose of citing), after referring to the source, provide the page number on which the cited passage appears, for example: [Cheng, 1986, p. 20].

When the publication has two authors, both names are included each time the reference is cited in the text, along with the year of the publication, for example: [Dorokhov, Zaitsev, 2005]. If there are three or more authors, list only the first author followed by the phrase “et al.” in place of the subsequent authors' names, for example: [Wen et al., 1984; Shulman et al., 1993].

When referring to several publications in parentheses, the references are arranged chronologically, for example: “In a number of works [Shpigler, 1967; Wrenn, Loomis, 1971; Bychkov, Smirnov, 1989; etc.] it was discovered ... “. However, you are referring to two or more publications with the same author/s and year, these should be distinguished by attaching lower case alpabetical letters attached to the publication date, for example: [Petrov et al., 1995a, b; Smith, 1997a, d; McAloon et al., 1998b]. The order of the letters is determined by the position of each article in the “References”.

One can use the automated reference system at www.snoskainfo.ru, Section “Foreign sources” (http://snoskainfo.ru/index.php?page=default_templates).

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Author’s information

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