Morphometric parameters of temporomandibular joint in dental patients with intact dentition
Diseases of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are among the most common diseases in dental practice. The absence of other pathological conditions on the part of the organs of the maxillofacial region does not exclude the development of TMJ disorders, and changes concerning the morphology and adequate functional activity of the joint in the early stages of development are asymptomatic and remain unnoticed. In connection with these circumstances, the main objective of the study was determined: to assess the morphometric parameters of the temporomandibular joint in dental patients with preserved dentitions. In the course of the study, the condition of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) was assessed in 30 patients with preserved dentitions, a clinical assessment of the nature of the movements of the mandible was carried out, by studying computer tomograms of these patients, as well as their further computer processing in the Avantis-3D system, the features of morphometric parameters of the mandibular heads were studied.
Tsimbalistov A.V., Voytyatskaya I.V., Lopushanskaya T.A., Mammadov E.S., Pakhlevanyan G.G. 2021. Morphometric parameters of the temporomandibular joint in dental patients with intact dentition. Challenges in Modern Medicine, 44 (4): 427–436 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2021-44-4-427-436.
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