Medical and social risks of COVID-conditioned normality and understanding of the possibility of their prevention in the conditions of outpatient dental admission
The development of the pandemic, formatting the rules of life, establishes a new normality, manifested by changing the requirements for the safety of social interaction and the organization of dental outpatient admission. The population and the State cannot reliably predict the occurrence of pandemics, their manifestations, and the nature of development. For this reason, changes in normality are a consequence aimed at reducing the negative consequences of the pandemic. The frequency of mutation of the virus, the increase in virulence, which determine the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, lead to the idea of the expediency of reasoning about a pessimistic scenario for the development of medical and social interactions. The article defines the understanding of the effectiveness of preventive measures that reduce the likelihood of infection with COVID-19 among dental students, their parents and practitioners. All respondents consider vaccination to be the most significant preventive measure that reduces the risk of infection in the process of social interaction and in the provision of dental care. The effectiveness of other preventive measures aimed at ensuring the safety of outpatient dental care is evaluated in various ways by groups of respondents.
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