
Assessment of the quality of life and functional state of the cardiovascular system in patients who have recovered from COVID-19

Assessing the quality of life and comparing it with the functional state of the cardiovascular system patients who have undergone COVID-19 and previously had cardiovascular diseases is an important task in understanding the real severity of their disease. The study included 121 patients, men (n = 83) and women (n = 38), aged 41–76 ± 4,2 years, with the presence of cardiovascular pathology, who have been on outpatient observation for two or more years. Of 121 patients included in the study, ischemic heart disease with stable exertional angina of III–IV functional class was observed in n = 43 (35,6 %), arterial hypertension in n = 55 (45,4 %), diabetes mellitus, 2 type y n = 23 (19,00 %) patients. The differences before and after the study did not have significant statistical significance (p > 0,05). All patients were questioned with the World Health Organization's quality of life questionnaire. Other types of examination: complete blood count, biochemical blood test, including blood glucose level, blood pressure measurement with a manometer, electrocardiography, daily monitoring of ECG and blood pressure. Questioning showed that 1 month after the disease, patients with insufficient energy for daily life increased by 23,2 % (p = 0,0010). Patients dissatisfied with their state of health increased by 31,4 % (p = 0,0016), etc. Thus, the change in the status of quality of life «before and after» was statistically significant, p < 0,05. In our study, the number of patients with grade I arterial hypertension decreased by 36,0 %, respectively, increased patients with II and III degrees (19 % and 33,3). Hypertensive crisis among patients with arterial hypertension was observed in almost every third n = 21 (38,2 %). Examination of patients with exertional angina of the III–IV functional class showed that the functional class decreased to I–II in n = 7 (16,3 %) patients, the functional class III–IV remained at the same level in n = 26 (60,5 %), and myocardial infarction developed in n = 10 (23,3 %) patients. The severity of the course of ischemic disease significantly worsened after suffering from coronavirus disease in patients with exertional angina (p = 0,0023). If we correlate the questionnaire with real laboratory and instrumental examination methods, then they are comparable, the condition of patients with cardiac and vascular pathology has worsened by almost a third, compared with the condition before the COVID-19.

DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2021-44-4-373-382
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