
Selection of components of the cryoplasma-anti-enzyme complex in patients with advanced soft tissue phlegmon

The problem of treatment of purulent-necrotic processes of soft tissues is undoubtedly and to this day remains extremely relevant in the structure of surgical pathology. Thus, the interaction of microorganisms with the macroorganism triggers a cascade of reactions with the release of inflammatory mediators (cytokines), which in turn cause persistent vasodilation. This leads to a violation of perfusion, and as a consequence of ischemia, purulent-necrotic foci and parenchymal organs. As a result, the penetration of antibacterial drugs and other medicines into the foci of inflammation is disrupted. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the cryoplasma – anti-enzyme complex used for the correction of thrombohemorrhagic syndrome in the complex treatment of patients with various variants of the course of common soft tissue phlegmon. The results of treatment of 165 patients with advanced soft tissue phlegmon were analyzed. The data of hemostasis indicators obtained during the study confirmed the development of thrombohemorrhagic syndrome in patients with common soft tissue phlegmons. This was indicated by depletion of the coagulation and anticoagulation systems, thrombinemia, and depression of fibrinolysis. Inclusion in the complex treatment of cryoplasma-anti-enzyme therapy (FFP, heparin, proteolysis inhibitors) it helps to eliminate the developing thrombohemorrhagic syndrome in patients with common soft tissue phlegmon. The course of the wound process improves, which contributes to the possibility of earlier plastic closure of the wound defect by 1.6 times. The number of deaths is reduced by 2.5 times.

DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2021-44-3-356-368
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