Evaluation of the effectiveness of various methods of removing dental deposits
Chronic inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues (VSTP) are diseases that have been known for a long time. In most cases, patients turn to a dentist during the acute stage or exacerbation of the disease. As a result, after the treatment, the removal of the inflammatory process and the reduction of pain, patients are often not configured to continue treatment. As a result, this leads to non-completion of diagnostic measures to establish not only the cause, but also predisposing factors that lead to an exacerbation of the disease. In this work, we conducted a comparative analysis of various methods of removing dental deposits and the effect on the microstructure of the tooth and root cement: using a curette Gracie, a magnetostrictive scaler, a piezoelectric apparatus and a Vector apparatus. The efficiency and quality of the performed manipulations were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy. The smallest effect on the microstructure of the tooth root cement and a better removal of ZO were revealed when working with the Piezon-Master 600 and Vector devices. After working with the Vector device, a film of hydroxyapatite is formed, which has a favorable effect on the metabolic processes of an intact tooth.
Miklyaev S.V., Leonova O.M., Sushchenko A.V., Salnikov A.N., Kozlov A.D., Grigorova E.N., Poltoratskaya I.P. 2021. Evaluation of the effectiveness of various methods of removing dental deposits. Challenges in Modern Medicine. 44 (3): 343–355 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2021-44-3-343-355
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