Clinical and pharmacoeconomical effectiveness of fabomotizol in the treatment of arterial hypertension with meteosensitivity
To study the clinical and pharmacoeconomical effectiveness of the drug fabomotizol in the complex therapy of patients with arterial hypertension with meteosensitivity, the study involved patients with hypertension with meteosensitivity of working age, subgroup IA (n = 51) – patients with hypertension with meteosensitivity who took hypotensive therapy according to the clinical recommendations of the Russian Society of Cardiology (RKO,2019) and additionally took anxiolytic 50 mg per day 3 days before the change in weather conditions, Subgroup IB (n = 51) – weather-sensitive and group II (n = 96) – non-weather-sensitive, were treated according to the treatment protocol. During the follow-up period, the number of additional visits to the doctor of AH patients with meteosensitivity in the IA subgroup decreased by 64.6 % (p = 0.001), in the IB subgroup – by 27,2 % (p = 0.22) and in the II group-by 44,6 % (p = 0,015); the number of emergency calls by 25,5 % (p = 0.033), by 7.8 % (p = 0.34) and by 15,6 % (p = 0.044), respectively, the target levels of SAD/DAD were achieved in 72,7 % / 68.6 %; 45,1 % / 1,8 % and 64,1 % / 69.5 %, respectively. The results of the cost – effectiveness (CER) calculation with the additional use of fabomotizol in patients with hypertension are economically justified and show a positive dynamics of clinical data with the achievement of the target blood pressure level.
Kildebekova R.N., Vardikyan A.G., Bikkinina G.M., Kaybishev V.T., Sayachov R.F., Fedotov A.L. 2021 Clinical and pharmacoeconomical effectiveness of fabomotizol in the treatment of arterial hypertension with meteosensitivity. Challenges in Modern Medicine. 44 (3): 296–304 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2021-44-3-296-304
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