At present, community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is one of the leading places among common infectious diseases. Chronic constructive pulmonary disease is considered a risk factor for the development of community-acquired pneumonia, and numerous studies and studies on the study of community-acquired pneumonia have shown that COPD is mentioned as a concomitant pathology in 19–62 % of patients with CAP. As for statistics on the development of community-acquired pneumonia in patients with exacerbation of COPD, a small number of works on this problem are currently published. Most of these studies are devoted to clinical cases with severe exacerbation of COPD (with a picture of acute respiratory failure). According to international statistics, the mortality rate of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease hospitalized with exacerbation to the hospital is 8 %, a year after the relapse – 23 %. If we talk about patients with acute respiratory failure amid exacerbation of COPD, then the death rate is 24 %, in patients older than 65 years – 30 %.
Uryasyev O.M., Panfilov Yu.A., Grinkova Y.N., Granatkin M.A., Pyko A.A. 2020. Community-acquired pneumonia in patients with COPD:temporary comorbidity or risk factor for death? Challenges in Modern Medicine, 43(1): 28–37 (in Russian). DOI
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