The effect of smoking with a steam cocktail on theral cavity
The aim of the study was the current problem of studying the impact of smoking steam cocktails on human health, as well as the development of methods for the prevention of diseases that were caused by the action of this habit is one of the main directions of the development of health protection, both in Russia and around the world.The study of dental status was carried out by means of a questionnaire, a detailed survey and a clinical examination of patients.The questionnaire was used to determine the level of evaluation of motivation to quit smoking. During the survey of patients, the subjective state of the oral cavity was determined, namely, the presence of dryness of the oral cavity, unpleasant smell, burning sensation, pain in the tongue, impaired taste sensations, and whether there was a metallic taste. Then an external examination was carried out, an examination of thevestibule of the oral cavity, an examination of the dentition itself. The intensity of dental caries was determined.According to the results of the survey, it is clear that the motivation to quit smoking is low. Data from the study in patients who use and do not use smoking mixtures showed that the intensity of caries sharply worsens depending on the length of smoking.The obtained data indicate an increase in inflammatory and destructive changes in the hard tissues of the teeth.
Emelina E.S., Dorofeev A.E., Emelina G.V., Ershov K.A., Kuznetsov I.I. The effect of smoking with a steam cocktail on the oral cavity. Challenges in Modern Medicine. 44 (2): 200–208 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2021-44-2-200-208
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