The article is devoted to the determination of the main manipulative and clinical properties of the «Anthogyr Miniject» device during intraligamentary anesthesia, as well as the assessment of the effectiveness and safety of local anesthesia in the therapeutic treatment of teeth using this device. Parameters such as pain during needle injection, with the introduction of anesthetic, the time of onset of anesthesia, the duration of anesthesia, the number of injections, the amount of anesthetic were determined. Short-term side effects were recorded. A general assessment was made of the quality of anesthesia by the patient and the attending physician. The study allows us to evaluate the method of intraligamentary anesthesia using the Anthogyr Miniject system as effective, safe and most acceptable for performing a wide range of therapeutic dental interventions.
Surzhenko E.V., Oganesyan A.A. 2020. Intraligamental anesthesia using «Anthogyr Miniject» device in therapeutic dentistry. Challenges in Modern Medicine, 43(1): 81–86 (in Russian). DOI
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