Dental status and prevention of dental diseases in pregnant women
In this article, we presented the results of studies of the dental health of pregnant women. One of the additional burden for pregnant women is the occurrence of dental diseases of the oral cavity. Diseases associated with periodontal tissues are one of the most common and intense among other pathologies that women face. this occurs due to certain factors due to which the level of dental health of a woman changes with increasing term and is largely determined by her pregnancy. Associated mainly with changes and the occurrence of chronic pathological processes in the oral cavity, which are characteristic of a particular trimester of pregnancy, as well as due to the restructuring of the body. the high prevalence and growth of cvd in pregnant women is one of the most underestimated, but at the same time an important social problem. cvd is a provoking factor for chronic infection of the entire body, which can later affect the development of the fetus. In this article, we considered the changes that occur in the body of a woman during pregnancy, which occur in the dental system: deterioration of oral hygiene, increased salivation, halitosis, the appearance of bleeding gums and changes in the pH of saliva. In the article, we presented data from a survey of pregnant women. In our study, the following dental indices were used: OHI-S, CPITN, PMA, PHP and the gum bleeding index according to H. R. Muhleman. The study of changes in the pH of oral fluid was carried out using the device «pH-2011». Was defined the relationship of oral health from pregravid preparation, which also includes the rehabilitation of the oral cavity. VSTP are one of the urgent problems of modern dentistry.
Miklyaev S.V., Miklyaeva I.A., Leonova O.M., Sushchenko A.V., Salnikov A.N., Kozlov A.D., Grigorova E.N. 2021. Dental status and prevention of dental diseases in pregnant women. Challenges in modern medicine. 44 (1): 68–78 (in Russian).
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