The role of osteoprotegerin as a predictor of cardiovascular events in patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus (review)
The review reveals the importance of osteoprotegerin for the development and progression of the atherosclerotic process. In connection with its participation in the processes of cardiac and vascular remodeling and the formation of calcification of vascular smooth muscle cells, its role as a possible predictor of adverse cardiovascular events in patients with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus is discussed. Osteoprotegerin as a biomarker indicating inflammation of adipose tissue data are presented, and a direct correlation between its plasma level and insulin resistance is established. The value of quantitative indicators of osteoprotegerin as marker of «silent» myocardial ischemia in patients with diabetes mellitus was analyzed. Effect of medicinal and non-medicinal methods of treatment on the circulating level of osteoprotegerin data are presented. The expediency of determining the quantitative index of osteoprotegerin as an indicator of the development of atherosclerosis in the early stages of occurrence, as well as a diagnostic and prognostic marker of cardiovascular pathology in patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus was studied. Taking into account inconsistency of many of the findings in the studies, it is determined that further studies are necessary to obtain new evidence about the diagnostic and prognostic value of osteoprotegerin in the development of cardiovascular pathology, including in patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus.
Golivets T.P., Gagarina D.O., Dubonosova D.G., Likrizon S.V. 2021. The role of osteoprotegerin as a predictor of cardiovascular events in patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus (review). Challenges in modern medicine. 44 (1): 57–67 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18413/2687-0940- 2021-44-1-57-67.
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