The use of tele-health Internet counseling in the outpatient management of patients with arterial hypertension
The use of remote medical Internet counseling in therapeutic training and outpatient follow-up of patients with arterial hypertension (AH) shows an improvement in the dynamics of the main parameters of SMAD and an improvement in the psychological status of patients. We consider remote medical Internet counseling and training of patients with hypertension who could not always attend classes at the school of arterial hypertension (SAH). These patients received in–depth preventive counseling for 8 weeks online, by e-mail, and by phone: on treatment tactics, changes in the dose of an antihypertensive drug (AHP), the possibility of a combination of AHP, the time of admission, keeping an electronic diary, and ways to control stress and emotional stress. It was found that there was a decrease in blood pressure indicators obtained during self-monitoring, as well as the effectiveness and tolerability of antihypertensive therapy (AHT). There was a positive effect of remote counseling on increasing medical awareness in 83 % of patients with hypertension, knowledge of risk factors (FR) of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) – 68.5 %, adherence to treatment – 89.7 %. A comparative analysis of the data on the psychological state of patients showed positive changes in the manifestation of depressive states, reducing the level of anxiety and depression. The results of the study show that the combination of full-time training in the hospital and distance learning can increase medical awareness of patients, improve their practical skills in rational treatment of the disease, prevention of complications, improve the quality of life and positive dynamics of all parameters of the psychological status of patients. Positive changes in the psycho-emotional state also affected the quality of life.
Vishnevsky V.I., Semenova E.A. 2020. The use of tele-health Internet counseling in the outpatient management of patients with arterial hypertension. Challenges in modern medicine. 44 (1): 49–56 (in Russian).
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