In dental practice, the restoration of masticatory effectiveness using dental cylindrical implants is relevant. One of the decisive negative factors in the implantation of a posteriori is an increase in the angular deviations between the axes of the installed implants. With a significant interaxial deviation of the implants in the bone tissue surrounding the implants, parasitic loads occur, leading to their further rejection. Modern navigation technologies help solve many problems of dental implantology. The author conducted an experiment to identify the features of the positioning of dental implants using the classical method and using the dental navigation system. The study confirmed a decrease in angular deviations in the mesio-distal direction to 5.28 times, and in the vestibular-3.73 times relatively free hand method.
Antonyan Y.E. 2020. Experimental justification of the opportunities of free hand method and navigation system for dental implantation. Challenges in Modern Medicine, 43(1): 73–80 (in Russian). DOI
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