Echogenicity and stiffness coefficient of the liver tissue in comparison with similar indicators of the renal parenchyma as an early manifestation of metabolic syndrome
The article presents the results of a study carried out to determine diffuse lesions of the liver tissue and renal parenchyma against the background of metabolic syndrome using the methods of routine transabdominal ultrasound and shear wave elastography. According to the analysis of the results obtained, a direct relationship was revealed between an increase in the echogenicity of the liver parenchyma, an increase in the stiffness coefficient of the hepatic tissue and renal parenchyma and the body mass index value and the indicator of the severity of abdominal obesity (AO) (waist circumference / hip circumference).
In patients with clinical and laboratory manifestations of metabolic syndrome, ultrasound signs of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease were detected (increased echogenicity of the liver tissue, an increase in the linear dimensions of the liver due to one or both lobes, an increase in the stiffness coefficient of the liver tissue and renal parenchyma).
Shishova I.A. 2021. Echogenicity and stiffness coefficient of the liver tissue in comparison with similar indicators of the renal parenchyma as an early manifestation of metabolic syndrome. Challenges in modern medicine. 44 (1): 16–27 (in Russian).
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