The selection of medicinal materials as a root filler among bioactive sealer (review of literature)
This review article is aimed at selecting the best material available on the market. In dental practice, ProRoot MTA (Dentsply), Biodentine (Septodont), and IRM (Dentsply) are often used. The main goal of endodontic treatment is to prevent or cure apical periodontitis and to control the infection. The filling material should not only prevent the ingress of pathogens and their waste products into the tooth cavity, but also contribute to the normal development of periodontal disease. One of their main properties are: impermeability to biological fluids, fast curing, biological inertness to the tissues of the body as a whole, x-ray contrast, low thermal conductivity, simplicity and ease of use, high adhesion and adaptability to the root canal. Therapy is a sequence of actions that include mechanical and chemical cleaning of microbial flora, formation, drug treatment and obturation. Preventive measures are traditionally carried out through the hole made in the crown of the affected tooth. In order for the sealing technique to be successful, a sealer (sealer) and filler (filler) are usually required, which is usually gutta-percha pins. The quality of care provided is largely determined by the correctly selected medical material that claims to have the best properties. Biodentine (Septodont) is a relatively new material on the market that corresponds to ProRoot MTA (Dentsply). The chemical composition, properties, and application of the selected materials were reviewed and compared. The review included a total of 8 review articles and 8 in vitro and in vivo studies.
Orlova S.E., Ivanova V.A., Arykhova L.K., Borisov V.V. 2020. The selection of medicinal materials as a root filler among bioactive sealer (review of literature). Challenges in Modern Medicine. 43 (4): 582–589 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18413/2687-0940-2020-43-4-582-589
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