Modernization of the quality control of medical services
According to WHO (2012), Russian and foreign researchers data, prevalence rate of dental diseases among children reaches 75–95 %, among adults – 100 %, and in age groups above 35 years old, dental and mouth cavity problems become the primary concern. Despite intensification of the sanitation process in clinical dentistry, many researchers note the tendency of decrease in national dental health. Dealing with such an important medical-social goal as radical decrease of dental illnesses is in the area of complex approach not only to realization of sanitation-prophylaxis measures, but also in using novel ideas in dental services. The problems of legal regulations and administrative management of dental clinics in new economic conditions are key priority areas for the modern Russian medical industry. Rapid development of medical services market, improvement medical insurance services, providing more freedom for medical organizations in implementation of its activities marked the significance of search for more effective mechanisms of dental clinics work organization, focused on dental services improvement. High quality medical care should provide financial-economy and medical-social efficacy of healthcare development programs, determined to improve population quality and duration of life. Herewith, currently there are no unified criteria to determine medical care quality in Russia and abroad. The expediency to perform independent medical expertise of performed dental services is beyond dispute. Objectification of final treatment result evaluation is possible only when the patient medical condition data is available, determination of causal relationships between medical personnel actions and their consequences for the health of a citizen.
Hubieva B.H., Zelenskiy V.A. 2020. Modernization of the quality control of medical services. Challenges in Modern Medicine. 43(4): 573–581 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18413/2687-0940-2020-43-4-573-581
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