Structural and functional changes in the kidneys and their effect on cardiovascular risk in elderly patients
Like other organ systems, the kidneys also go through process of normal senescence, including both anatomical and physiological changes. Normal physiological aging is characterized by the expected age-related changes in the kidneys. With age, the kidneys are subject to structural changes, for example, there is a decrease in the number of functional glomeruli due to an increase in the prevalence of nephrosclerosis (atherosclerosis, glomerulosclerosis, atrophy of the tubules with interstitial fibrosis) and to some extent compensatory hypertrophy of the remaining nephrons. Older age is also associated with reduced cortical volume, increased medullary, and larger and more numerous renal cysts. Changes in normal aging are important in clinical practice. Against the background of suppression of reparative capabilities, the elderly are more prone to acute damage and chronic kidney disease, aggravation of the course of chronic kidney disease. The elderly have less renal functional reserve when they do actually develop chronic kidney disease and they are also at higher risk for acute kidney injury. Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death and a common comorbidity among patients with kidney disease. In this review, we have identified the most characteristic structural and functional changes in the kidneys in elderly patients and their impact on cardiovascular risk.
Golovina N.I., Lykov Yu.A. 2020. Structural and functional changes in the kidneys and their effect on cardiovascular risk in elderly patients. Challenges in Modern Medicine, 43 (4): 539–548 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18413/2687-0940-2020-43-4-539-548
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