The effect of syndrome X on the development of cardiovascular pathology (review of literature)
Metabolic syndrome, also known as syndrome X, is defined by WHO as a pathological condition characterized by abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. While there are some differences in definitions adopted by other health organizations, the differences are minor. Successfully defeating infectious diseases, this new noncommunicable disease has become a leading cause of morbidity and mortality not only in the developed world, but also in underdeveloped countries. As highlighted in the literature, multiple factors such as obesity, abnormal lipid profiles and insulin resistance play a key role in the onset of cardiovascular disease. In this brief review, we present an updated hypothesis that insulin resistance and compensatory hyperinsulinemia are major factors in elevated blood pressure in metabolic syndrome and obesity. Obesity is a worldwide epidemic closely linked to the development of type 2 diabetes and CVD. Obesity-related visceral and epicardial obesity are the main causes of heart disease in these individuals. Obesity has a major impact on changes in blood pressure, lipid profile, and factors associated with systemic and vascular inflammation, as well as endothelial dysfunction.
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