Teachers' Awareness of Emergency Care for Acute Dental Trauma in Children
Acute dental trauma is common in preschool and school age due to a large number of risk factors. In case of acute dental trauma in a child at school, teachers should know the algorithm of actions so that the chances of preserving the viability of the tooth are higher. The aim of the study is to determine the risk factors of dental trauma in children and to assess the level of knowledge among teachers of educational institutions in the city of Yekaterinburg on the topic of first aid for children with acute dental trauma. An anonymous questionnaire survey of teachers of educational institutions in the city of Yekaterinburg on the issues of first aid for children with acute dental trauma was conducted. According to the results, only 6 % of the respondents had been previously trained and had knowledge of this problem. 33 % of teachers have encountered dental trauma in childhood during their teaching career. 47 % of teachers indicated the right time to go to hospital with a “knocked out” tooth. Most of the teachers do not know the environment in which a knocked out tooth should be transported. Therefore, in order to prevent the development of possible complications associated with acute dental trauma in childhood, it is necessary to conduct educational activities and provide qualified training for teachers of secondary educational institutions to improve the quality of their knowledge in matters of first aid.
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The work was carried out without external sources of funding.