Early and Long-Term Results of Prevention of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome in Patients with W3 Ventral Hernia
Abdominal compartment syndrome is a severe pathology requiring special preventive and treatment measures. The development of methods for the prevention of abdominal compartment syndrome is important in patients with W3 ventral hernias and loss of the domain. The study analyzed the results of treatment of 71 patients with W3 hernias of the anterior abdominal wall. Before surgery, all patients were calculated the size of the hernia implant necessary for the prevention of compartment syndrome. To calculate the size of the required hernia implant, radiography, ultrasonography and anthropometric data of the patient were used. The patients underwent hernioplasty with sublay, inlay and, developed by the authors, in a combined method. In the groups with inlay and combined method hernioplasty, the development of compartment syndrome was not observed. The combination of the developed methods of preoperative calculation of the hernia implant and the combined method of hernioplasty showed a low number of early and late postoperative complications, the same as in other study groups. The results obtained indicate the effectiveness of the developed methods for the prevention of abdominal compartment syndrome.
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