Bactericidal Activity Changes in Saliva During Post-Covid
In the post-covid period, changes occur in the oral cavity, which may be caused by the action of a new coronavirus infection. Studies show that the virus can negatively affect the cells of the oral mucosa, which in turn leads to a decrease in local immunity. The lack of protective factors makes the body more vulnerable to the virus and can lead to complications. The aim of the study is to analyze changes in the parameters of immunoglobulins in oral fluid of patients before and after a new coronavirus infection. The literature analysis was carried using the following scientometric databases: PubMed, Scopus, Google Academy, Rospatent, RSCI. This article describes changes in the composition of saliva and a decrease in its amount in the post-covoid period and provides links to 39 scientific publications. Literature analysis showed that, in the post-covid period, changes in the parameters of secretory IgA, salivation rate of saliva and lysozyme activity occur in saliva and oral fluid.
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