
Purulent Complications after Planned Operations in a Multidisciplinary Hospital

The study included 326 patients who are visiting the surgical department of the Belgorod Regional Clinical Hospital of St. Joasaph with purulent postoperative wounds in the period from 2018 to 2022 after elective surgeries. The largest number of patients hospitalized by us with suppuration of the postoperative wound, previously operated on for hernias – 116 (35,58 %), in second place in terms of number was the group of patients after operations on the abdominal organs (Laparotomy) – 50 (15,34 %), patients with infection of the skin and soft tissues after operations on bone tissue (metal osteosynthesis) were 32 (9,82 %), after (total arthroplasty of large joints) – 48 (14,72 %) patients, operations on the peripheral vessels of the lower extremities were performed in 50 (15,34 %) patients, in 30 (9,2 %) patients have previously undergone surgery on the organs of the mediastinum (Sternotomy). From the general list of possible causes of the development of purulent wound complications after elective surgical interventions described in the literature, we identified the frequency of their occurrence, and the correlation analysis made it possible to identify those that had the closest relationship with the resulting indicator (the fact of wound suppuration after surgery with ranking the severity of the purulent-inflammatory process according to the ASEPSIS scale). The regression models built on the basis of the identified parameters were characterized by high coefficients of determination (> 0.8), were significant (reliable) and made it possible to predict the expected value of the patient's postoperative wound assessment. It has been established that the dynamics of changes in the state of the postoperative wound was most strongly affected by such indicators as the use of synthetic and metal implants, temperature in the operating room < 210C or > 240C, wound area in cm2, air temperature in the ward > 240C, and the presence of soft tissue hematoma in the area of the postoperative wound.

DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2024-47-1-99-118
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