Aortic Dissection: Classification, Etiology, Pathogenesis and Clinical Picture
Aortic dissection is a pathological process in which the aortic wall is divided into inner and outer layers under the action of hemodynamic forces. The process can be localized in various parts of the aorta, and also can be cause of blood supply disorders not only of organs which are located along the vessel (orthograde), but also organs which are located retrogradely. Risk factors for aortic dissection may include age, gender, atherosclerosis, inflammatory diseases, chest injuries, heart surgery, hereditary predisposition, congenital defects of the cardiovascular system and hereditary connective tissue disorders. The most often complication of aortic dissection is malperfusion syndrome, which can manifest itself as symptoms of upper and lower limb ischemia, syncope, ischemic stroke, prerenal azotemia (with decreased renal perfusion), abdominal ischemia syndrome (with occlusion of mesenteric arteries), spinal ischemic stroke. Knowledge of the totality of etiological factors, risk factors, pathogenesis, various manifestations and complications of aortic dissection allows you not to miss the beginning of the pathological process and provide timely assistance.
Yashin S.S., Melikjanyan M.V., Grigoryan A.K. 2024. Aortic Dissection: Classification, Etiology, Pathogenesis and Clinical Picture. Lecture. Challenges in Modern Medicine, 47(1): 41–54 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2024-47-1-41-54
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