Since ancient times, mankind has been searching for a universal remedy for the treatment of purulent wounds of various origin and localization. And, today, this problem does not lose its relevance. Until now, medicine has not developed a unified strategy for the treatment and management of such patients. According to statistics, 35–40% of the total number of patients in surgical hospitals suffer from purulent diseases of the skin and soft tissues. Based on the great discoveries of the past, the experience of doctors of previous generations, modern scientists invent new methods for treating purulent wounds. In addition to the surgical method of treatment by excision of non-viable tissues, various physical phenomena and chemicals are used. Surgeons in their daily work use ultrasound cavitation for necrectomy. Actively they use such chemical agents as quinoxaline derivatives, various acids, nitrofuran derivatives. All these methods have significantly improved the condition of patients, but each of them has a number of disadvantages. One of the most promising and perfect currently considered a way to treat long-term non-healing purulent wounds with preparations containing silver ions. The study and improvement of these drugs will help reduce the percentage of complications and improve the quality of life of patients with purulent wounds.
Al-Kanani E.S., Kulikovsky V.F., Gostishev V.K., Iarosh A.L., Karpachev A.A., Soloshenko A.V., Zharko S.V., Linnik M.S. 2020. Treatment of purious infection of soft tissues: from history to present (literature review). Challenges in Modern Medicine, 43(1): 155–164 (in Russian). DOI
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