
Analysis of Treatment of Patients with Nonparasitic Spleen Cysts: Our Experience

Spleen cysts are unusual in everyday surgical practice and belong to the category of rare diseases. Despite the fact that surgical treatment of spleen cysts has been carried out for more than a century and a half, the indications for surgical intervention, the choice of technique and the optimal timing of its implementation are still not clearly defined. The results of treatment of 22 children aged 7 to 17 years, operated in our clinic with non-parasitic spleen cysts, were analyzed. In 2 (9,1%) caseswedealed with relapsing cysts. Minimally invasive organ-saving operatons are preferred. Due to our clinics’ equipment and abilities, we prefer laparoscopic cyst fenestration with preservation of less than 1/3 of spleen tissue. The question of splenectomy may arise in case of centrally located or compound cysts with heterogenic fluid “of probably vascular origin”.

DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2023-46-4-408-420
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