The Possibilities of Using Saliva Facies Analysis in the Diagnosis of Oral Diseases
To identify diagnostic markers while assessing saliva facies in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis in order to determine the disease severity. The control group included 44 patients aged 20–50 with mild or moderate chronic generalized periodontitis (disease recurrence) before treatment. The comparison group consisted of practically healthy individuals (n = 30) aged 19–25, with filled teeth and without somatic diseases. We analyzed the morning saliva facies (collected before the first meal, up to 10 am). Crystallization pattern was studied 24 hours later using an optical microscope and a Levenhuk M800+ microvideo camera (magnification ×25, ×50; ×100). We also characterized the structures of the main zones: central (salt), intermediate and marginal (protein). The central zone was the largest in the control group of patients without oral diseases. “Fern leaves” and in some cases cruciform structures were observed there. The patterns of the intermediate zone varied significantly. Its width was from a narrow strip to a well-defined zone; no definite structures could be noted. The marginal zone was characterized by a narrow, darker ring with clearly defined boundaries. The most striking criterion to distinguish the saliva facies in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis was the pigmentation line in the marginal zone, which was observed in 100 % of cases in both mild and moderate cases. In the group of patients with moderate generalized chronic periodontitis, this line was significantly brighter (64.13 ± 2.25 µm), while in the group with mild generalized chronic periodontitis the pigmented line was 46.79 ± 3.21 µm. The analysis of salivary facies showed that for generalized chronic periodontitis, the most striking diagnostic marker is the marginal pigmentation line, which expands with the disease severity.
Solomatina N.N., Postnikov M.A., Solomatina A.O., Kostionova-Ovod I.A. 2023. The Possibilities of Using Saliva Facies Analysis in the Diagnosis of Oral Diseases. Challenges in Modern Medicine. 46 (3): 286–294 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2023-46-3-286-294
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