Hydromechanical Load and Water Hammer as Etiological Factors of Periodontitis
The description of organs and tissues of the maxillofacial region as a continuous medium with average strength characteristics seems to be a rather rough approximation to reality, which cannot correctly justify the biophysical effects underlying the physiology and pathology of the maxillofacial region. Understanding damage as a dialectical unity that unites the transition of elastic deformations of solid tissues into plastic and laminar flows of liquids into turbulent ones is a new approach to assessing the dynamics of periodontal pathology. The purpose: substantiation of the impact of water hammer as an etiological factor of periodontitis. Based on reference materials accepted in the Sciences of the structure of the earth's crust and classical hydrodynamics, clarifications are given to a number of concepts that are acceptable for describing the etiology and pathogenesis of periodontitis. The article deals with occlusal loading as a factor that leads to deformations of the bone framework and violation of filtration of biological fluid. A variant of reaching the mouth of the pore channel by a moving root of the tooth with a change of direct filtration of biological fluid from the extracellular pore space of the alveolar bone to the volume of the periodontal gap and then to the oral cavity, for reverse filtration is considered. The article is devoted to assessing the probability of destruction of the pore system of the alveolar bone by a biological fluid having a kinetics increased under the influence of the root of the tooth under occlusal loading. The arguments indicate the possibility of loss of solvency proximally contacts the teeth of surge occurrence, leading to destruction of the alveolar bone by two components: the mechanical effect of moving the root and hammer, changing the kinetics and the direction of flow of the biological fluid.
Kopytov A.A., Leontiev V.K. 2023. Hydromechanical Load and Water Hammer as Etiological Factors of Periodontitis. Challenges in Modern Medicine. 46 (3): 274–285 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2023-46-3-274-285
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