
Analysis of the Level of Free-Circulating DNA and Exercise Tolerance in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure

In the course of this work, the level of fcDNA in the blood of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) was analyzed with the main clinical and laboratory parameters: the level of natriuretic brain propeptide (NT-proBNP), as well as with the functional class (FC) and assessment of life quality according to the Minnesota questionnaire (MHFLQ). The study group included 90 people, of which 67 people had a diagnosis of CHF, and 23 people were healthy volunteers. All patients underwent the necessary examination, including a biochemical blood test with the determination of lipid spectrum, glucose, creatinine and NT-proBNP, as well as ECG registration and echocardiography. The next diagnostic step was a 6-minute walk test with calculation of the distance and determination of the functional class, as well as self-completion of the Minnesota questionnaire by patients in order to study the quality of life. The level of fcDNA was determined by the method of Laktionov P.P., Tamkovich S.N., Rykova E.Yu., 2005. The data obtained indicate a direct relationship between the subjective and objective state of the patient, while the decrease in the functional capabilities is accompanied by a progressive increase in laboratory markers. The problem of CHF remains actual medical and social problem, which requires further study. The search for new diagnostic methods that make it possible to characterize in more detail the condition of a patient suffering from this disease undoubtedly remains one of the highest priority tasks. Further study of the issue is necessary not only to expand diagnostic capabilities, but also for prognostic assessment of the clinical situation, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2023-46-3-219-230
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