Material «Klipdent» in the Treatment of Periodontitis
The effectiveness of the use of the drug «Klipdent» in the complex treatment of moderate-to-severe periodontitis is considered. This drug allows you to eliminate periodontal pockets, accelerate the restoration of lost bone tissue. The use of «Klipdent» made it possible to bring patients into remission in 82 % of cases. The method described in the article can be useful in the practice of dentists.
Sutaeva T.R., Salikhova M.M., Adzhieva A.K., Shikhkerimova S.A., Musalov H.G. 2023. Material «Klipdent» in the Treatment of Periodontitis. Challenges in Modern Medicine, 46 (2): 173–178 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2023-46-2-173-178
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