Diagnosis of Traumatic Dental Injuries in Children and Adolescents
In the practice of a dentist of any specialization, there are injuries of permanent and temporary teeth. The continued growth of the upper jaw and alveolar processes, the development of individual rudiments, as well as the behavior of children and adolescents create problems in the diagnosis and treatment of dental injuries. Lack of knowledge about the diagnosis of traumatic dental injuries affects the quality of treatment, leads to functional, aesthetic defects and the appearance of complexes, especially in adolescents. The main goal of the review article is to familiarize with the results of the trial and to help doctors in identifying pathology and planning the correct sequential treatment, minimizing possible complications.
Orlova S.E., Ivanova L.K., Arykhova V.V., Sevbitov A.V., Borisov A.V., Grinin V.M. 2023. Diagnosis of Traumatic Dental Injuries in Children and Adolescents. Challenges in Modern Medicine, 46 (2): 144–154 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2023-46-2-144-154
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