Obesity and Associated Diseases – Problematic Issues of Pathogenesis and Modern Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment
The study of the mechanisms of the pathological influence of obesity on the development, course and outcomes of a number of socially significant diseases, the search for effective ways for their treatment and prevention, remain among the priorities for modern medical science and healthcare. The information accumulated on this problem over the past decades demonstrates the need for a new strategy for clinical practice, with the introduction of interdisciplinary approaches to the diagnosis of obesity and associated pathology with the inclusion of detailed metabolic phenotyping of obese individuals and a personalized approach to treatment. The task of timely determination of the degree of cardiovascular risk in obese patients, early diagnosis of carbohydrate metabolism disorders, selection of methods for safe treatment of obesity and the development of effective measures for the prevention of its chronic complications is acute for practical healthcare specialists. This review analyzes the literature materials on the pathogenesis of obesity and associated diseases and formulates modern strategic approaches to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this pathology.
Golivets T.P., Dubonosov D.G., Licrison S.V. 2023. Obesity and Associated Diseases – Problematic Issues of Pathogenesis and Modern Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment. Challenges in Modern Medicine, 46 (2): 123–143 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2023-46-2-123-143
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