The study is based on a retrospective analysis of 129 cases of gunshot wounds to the neck. The ages of the wounded ranged from 18 to 65. All the wounded were treated in the surgical hospital of the city hospital No. 9 of the Grozny Chechen Republic. All injuries were received during the local hostilities in the Republic of Chechnya between 1991 and 2000. The analysis presented shows that the volume of primary pre-medical care provided to the civilian population with gunshot wounds was usually insufficient, resulting in the severity of the condition of the wounded and increasing fatality. Such assistance should be deployed outside the zone with the consequences of the possible collapse of high-rise buildings, outside the terrorist firing zone, in the absence of a cluster of relatives of the victims and curious. At the same time, develop directions aimed at training as many people as possible in self-help and mutual assistance in various urgent conditions, which can be carried out through civil defence fees.
Proshin A.G., Masljakov V.V., Gorbelik V.G., Voronov V.V., Aristova I.S. 2020. Analysis of results of treatment of gunshot wounds of the neck in case of mass entry of the civilian population into conditions of local armed conflict. Challenges in Modern Medicine, 43(1): 123–134 (in Russian). DOI
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