Study of the Processes of Desorption of Easily Digestible Carbohydrates from the Oral Cavity
The study highlights the topic of caries prevention by evacuating adsorbed easily digestible carbohydrates from the surface of the oral cavity organs. The paper presents data on the method of removing sugars by using slightly acidic rinses. The results of an in vivo (oral) study of desorption of easily digestible carbohydrates from the oral cavity are presented. A search for a sucrose desorbent solution used by rinsing was carried out. A slightly acidic solution of citric acid contributes to the desorption of sucrose from the surface of the teeth and mucous membrane. After rinsing the teeth with a solution of tartaric acid, the concentration of sucrose on the chewing surface of the tooth decreased by 4,08 times, acetic – 6,5 times, and citric – 8,03 times. After rinsing with water, the amount of sucrose on the back of the tongue decreased by 2,9 times, with a solution of tartaric acid – by 3,3 times, acetic acid – by 3,5, and citric acid – by 8,9 times.
Bavykina T.Yu., Glukhareva N.A., Lisnyak V.V. Study of the Processes of Desorption of Easily Digestible Carbohydrates from the Oral Cavity. Challenges in Modern Medicine. 46 (1): 73–78 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2023-46-1-73-78
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