Histochemical Aspects of Lesions of the Oral Mucosa and Salivary Glands in Patients with Acute Respiratory Viral Infections
Acute respiratory viral infections are transmitted by airborne droplets, they are a group of acutely contagious diseases of viral etiology, characterized by common symptoms: fever, general weakness, and malaise. The dentist is obliged to determine the initial stages of diseases and prevent changes in the organs and tissues of the oral cavity with the help of preventive methods, as well as with the help of additional studies, one of which is the histochemical method. The concept of "histochemical method" includes specific techniques designed to detect various chemicals and their metabolic products in the material of "punch" biopsies using differential staining. This study is carried out by the method of light-optical microscopy. The paper presents the results of the analysis of the T-cell link of the immune system. Using the histochemical method, the ability of glycogen and histamine to participate in inflammatory processes was revealed. Information on local immunity in children with acute herpetic stomatitis and recurrent herpetic stomatitis is presented. It was revealed that during the PAS reaction, polysaccharides are found in the cytoplasm of the parotid gland in pathology, intense staining of the cytoplasm of the cells of the submandibular gland is observed. The histochemical method is a promising direction, as it allows the most accurate interpretation of the results.
Gontarev S.N., Gontareva I.S., Furda N.I. 2023. Histochemical Aspects of Lesions of the Oral Mucosa and Salivary Glands in Patients with Acute Respiratory Viral Infections. Challenges in Modern Medicine. 46 (1): 61–72 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2023-46-1-61-72
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