Modern Approaches to the Application of TherapeuticPhysical Factors in Physiotherapy and Balneology
The use of therapeutic physical factors in modern conditions of medical rehabilitation remains relevant. The development of new restorative resources and technologies is a constantly functioning in time and space research process in the field of physiotherapy and balneology. Characteristic features and general patterns between the indicators of quantity and quality of methods and methods of physiotherapy and balneology are evaluated in modern scientific works. Complex wellness programs offered by a number of authors seem to be effective in solving real problems of patients, in optimizing the treatment process. In assessing the results of scientific and clinical activity of cognition of the therapeutic possibilities of natural and preformed factors, the dominant is the innovative activity of research. The presented literature review allows us to draw conclusions about the importance of molecular genetic mechanisms, biophysical characteristics and morphofunctional organization of tissues, building clinical and prognostic models of diseases in approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the use of therapeutic physical factors.
Viazova A.V. 2023. Modern Approaches to the Application of Therapeutic Physical Factors in Physiotherapy and Balneology. Challenges in Modern Medicine. 46 (1): 16–22 (in Russian). DOI 10.52575/2687-0940-2023-46-1-16-22
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