
Experience in prosthetics of the root and ascending aorta according to the method of David T.E. Retaining your own tricuspid and bicuspid aortic valves and the frequency of plasty of their valves​

Operations of valve-preserving prosthetics for aortic root aneurysms relieve the patient from the mandatory intake of blood-reducing drugs and potential complications from their use, as well as from prosthetic-related complications. With the preservation of the leaflets, in more than 30 % of cases, the preservation of the aortic valve is possible. For the period 01/01/2019-09/01/2022, 33 aortic root replacement surgeries were performed at the CWC of St. Joasaph's Regional Clinical Hospital. In 19 (57.6 %) cases with degenerative lesions of the leaflets, aortic valve replacement was performed: according to the method of Bentall H., De Bono A. in 11 (33.3 %) cases, with implantation of the conduit inside the preserved aneurysmal sac according to the method of Kouchoukos N.T. 8 (24.2 %). Of the 33 surgeries, 14 (42.4 %) were performed using the David T.E. valve-preserving technique. Patients: 13 men, 1 woman, age 23-68 (55.5 ± 12.4) years. In 13 cases, the operation was performed on the tricuspid aortic valve and in 1 case, on the bicuspid valve. One operation was performed for chronic dissecting aneurysm of the ascending aorta type 2 according to M. DeBakey. There were no aortas in the general group: in-hospital mortality, bleeding, A-B blockade. All patients were discharged within the standard postoperative period. There was one successful reoperation in the valve-preserving ascending group. Tranthoracic echocardiography at discharge assessed regurgitation on the preserved aortic valve at grade 1-2. Our results of application of operation David T.E. correspond to the global statistics of the treatment of this pathology. In the long-term period, patients lead a normal life, without restrictions on drug therapy. This operation has shown good results and will therefore be continued.

DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2022-45-4-374-387
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