Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Silver-Modified Monthmorillonitis in Treatment of Patients with Skin and Soft Tissue Infection
Despite the success achieved in the complex treatment of purulent wounds, this problem continues to be relevant and not fully resolved. Numerous studies conducted in the last quarter of the XX century, it was convincingly proved that the reason for this situation was a change in the specific affiliation of purulent wound infection with its progressive resistance to antibiotics. The modern method of local treatment of purulent wounds is based on the targeted use of biologically active dressings with specified properties, taking into account the nature and phase of the wound process. Multicomponent sorbents, various new antiseptics, PEG-based ointments, wound coatings including silver or iodine with polyvinylpyrrolidones are considered the drugs of choice for the treatment of patients with surgical skin and soft tissue in patients with (ISST) both at the stage of treatment of acute purulent process, and at the stage of preparation of postoperative wounds for plastic closure. Our work is based on the analysis of the results of treatment of 48 patients with purulent wounds of various genesis and localization with a new dressing material: silver-modified montmorillonite. There were 29 men (56,25 %), and 23 women (44,23 %). In all cases, local treatment was started with: silver-modified montmorillonite powder under bandages, after 5-7 days there were signs of the transition of the wound process to phase II (the appearance of sluggish granulation tissue, a decrease in microbial contamination).
Al-Kanani E.S., Shevchenko E.G., Gostishev V.K., Yarosh A.L., Karpachev A.A., Soloshenko A.V., Olejnik N.V., Bondarenko N.I. 2022. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Silver-Modified Monthmorillonitis in Treatment of Patients with Skin and Soft Tissue Infection. Challenges in Modern Medicine. 45 (3): 302–314 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2022-45-3-302-314
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