Optimization of results of permanent prosthetics using implants with complete tooth loss on lower jaw
The purpose of the study was to analyze the results of prosthetics in patients with complete secondary adentia with non-removable types of orthopedic structures fixed on dental implants. The basis of the study was Social Dentistry Belogorye LLC. Dental clinic of the Starooskolsky city district. In total, 40 people took part in the experiment in the age range 42–60 years old, who were divided into 3 groups: 1 group – 26, 2 group – 9 and 3 group - 5 people, respectively. We defined three orthopedic treatment strategies: 1 - prosthetics using 4 implant supports in 17 subjects, 2 – prosthetics using 6 implant supports in 10 subjects, 3 – using more than 6 implant supports in 13 subjects, respectively. Until the beginning of the experiment, some patients had experience in prosthetics of dentition defects using various types of non-removable and removable dental prostheses, but none of the studied patients had previously had experience in prosthetics supported by dental implants. The period of dynamic observation was 10.01.2020–31.01.2022. The result of the comprehensive intervention was 100 % satisfaction with comprehensive rehabilitation and improvement of physiological and psychological quality of life of all patients.
Bogdanova A.A., Gontarev S.N., Koteneva Yu.N., Makova S.V. 2022. Optimization of results of permanent prosthetics using implants with complete tooth loss on lower jaw. Challenges in Modern Medicine. 45 (1): 105–113 (in Russian). DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2022-45-1-105-113
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