Full adentia is a common diagnosis in orthopedic dentistry among older patients. Before a person who has lost all his teeth, there are a number of unpleasant difficulties that cause a stressful state. There are not only problems with speech and diction, but also there are difficulties in the digestive system due to poorly chewed food, there are external changes: the height of the lower third of the face decreases, the lips sink in, the chin sharpens, there are many large wrinkles and thus the face becomes senile. This all leads to low self-esteem, loss of status and image, and as a result, the human nervous system suffers. Thus, the goal of orthopedic treatment is not only to restore lost functions, but also to restore the patient's self-esteem. A fruitful solution to these problems will arise only with proper pre - treatment before prosthetics and interdisciplinary cooperation of dentists of different profiles. The article presents the research results of 2019 on the current problem of restorative dentistry: interdisciplinary preparation of patients for complete denture. Despite of strong development of orthopedic dentistry, the problem of preparing patients for complete denture is still relevant. A 37.8 % of patients in Stary Oskol urban district need a full removable laminar denture. A great deal of research is being done in psychological, surgical and orthopedic training of patients before full removable laminar denture.
Makova S.V., Kostrykin V.V., Bogdanova A.A., Gontarev S.N., Koteneva Yu.N. 2020. Interdisciplinary preparation of patients for complete denture. Challenges in Modern Medicine, 43(1): 87–92 (in Russian). DOI
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