
A Clinical Case of Emergency Radical Surgery for a Locally Advanced Tumor of the Colon

Urgent complications of colorectal cancer include intestinal bleeding, acute intestinal obstruction, and tumor disintegration with abscess formation. A significant number of such patients are hospitalized in general surgical hospitals. The volume of operations performed in these institutions is not always oncologically adequate, a significant part of the interventions is not radical both in terms of the volume of bowel resection and lymph node dissection, the methods of which doctors in urgent hospitals often do not know. Often there are cases of R1 and R2 resections. Our clinic presents a clinical case for review – a 71-year-old patient, who was admitted on an emergency basis, underwent a radical intervention. The tumor was located in the caecum with invasion into the right adnexa and the body of the uterus, small intestine, right paranephric tissue, paracancer abscess at the top of the bladder. The tumor conglomerate was removed with resection of all involved structures and the bladder with the abscess wall. Postoperative period without complications. The patient is then referred for systemic treatment.

DOI: 10.52575/2687-0940-2023-46-3-307-316
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